Cabri 3D Web Roadmap
Release 0.1
- Webassembly compilation of Cabri3D's essential components (MK and DE, including de-base, de-core and de-geometry).
- Display of BabylonJS objects corresponding to peers inside DE
- Parsing of documents for the objects of the first batch of sample documents (containing: points, planes, lines, segments, points-on-planes, points-on-segments, polygons) without undefined declarations. Including configuration of the glassball. No text.
- Refactoring to include parsing with undefined objects (e.g. because of the usage of the tonsil/redefinition-tool)
- Picking and manipulation of elementary constrained objects in one- or two-dimensions (e.g. point on plane or on segments)
=> Release 0.1 (2021-05): the first preview of Cabri3DWeb is a web-URL which allows to attempt to load the CG3 at any URL as well as the sample's files and attempting to display them and move some elements of them. No creation of new objects.
Release 0.5
- Picking and moving of simple objects (points, segments, planes) and their related objects
- Saving files to XML
- Load and display of more complex objects (cube, half-line, circle, half-plane, cylinder, cone, sphere, parallel, mid-point, mid-plane, polyhedra cuts) based on an enhanced sample collection
- Creation of points and segments
=> Release 0.5 (2021-11): The second preview is a URL or electron app which allows to open and save CG3 files with a wider palette of objects.
Release 0.6
- Load and display of more complex objects (cylinder, cone, polyhedra cuts) based on an enhanced sample collection
- Creation of points
- Mobile compatibility
=> Release 0.6 (2022-02): The third preview is a URL or electron app which allows to open and save CG3 files.
Release 0.7
- Animations
- Transparency
- Labels
=> Release 0.7: The fourth preview is a URL or electron app which allows to open CG3 files.
Release 0.7.5
- Clean-up of the 0.7, inclusion of desktop apps, almost all gallery constructions work.
Done in September 2023.
Release 0.8
- Segments of polyhedra are displayed
- Draggeable points must stay draggeable (especially when "on surface")
- Embedded measures are displayed
- Proper positions of (fixed) labels
- Occlusion detection to hide labels
- Enhancements to mobile gestures
Release 1.0
- Creation of all displayed objects thus far
- Load and display of:
- arcs
- transformations
- regular solids
- measure objects (incl objects' equations)
- Display of equations
- Optimization of the display for usability based on samples' visibility and ease of manipulation for a sample task set
- First tests with teachers
Release 1.0: The third Cabri3DWeb allows the creation of somewhat complete set of 3D figures. It has been tested on elementary tasks with a few teachers with the aim to offer the manipulation of scenes to students.
Release 1.2
- boxes and convex hulls
- polyhedra cuts
- Traces and trajectories
- Intersection curves
- Multiple views
- First tests with teachers and pupils
- Calculations' engine of Cabrihtml5
- Actions of Cabrihtm5
- Copy and paste between the windows
=> Release 1.2: ...
We start with the name of "Cabri3D", a variant of "Cabri" dedicated to space geometry. The last released version of the desktop application was called "v2".
- Name Cabri3D v3 for the web-version?
- Or Cabri3D-Web v0.1, v0.5, v1.0... (the current choice)
Document history
- 2020-12-23: First sketch of a timeline and naming proposals (Paul Libbrecht)
- 2021-02-26: Enrichment so as to make the created products more understandable (Paul Libbrecht)
- 2021-04-10: Timeplan adjustments
- 2021-10-15: Timeplan adjustments following unpredictable events, features re-order (view earlier than create)
- 2021-10-22: Version numbers adjustments
- 2022-06: Introducing 0.7
- 2023-09: Introducing 0.7.5